How to leave a bequest in your Will.

Our services are provided free of charge to anyone who needs them.

To ensure that this will always be the case the Alzheimers Northland relies on the financial support of many individuals, groups, businesses, trusts and organisations.

You can help us in many different ways through a regular one-off donation or a bequest in your will your support in any of these would provide the society with great benefits.

Remember us in your Will

A small bequest will make a big difference to the lives of many people affected by Alzheimers and other dementias.

SUPPORT our services in Northland

ENSURE people with dementia continued to receive the support they need

MAKE a positive difference by making a request to Alzheimers Northland

You can nominate the amount you want to leave:

The appropriate clause is:

I BEQUEATH to ALZHEIMERS NORTHLAND general purposes of the society the sum of $ _____ free of all duties payable at my time of death and they received off the Treasurer for the time being of the said Alzheimers Society Northland Inc shall be are sufficient discharge to my trustees.

We recommend that you consult with a solicitor or public trust office when making or changing your Will.

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